
George Zhzhenov. Russian cross / doc movie

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George Zhzhenov. Russian cross / doc movie

We will never know how many people were victims of the construction of communism during the period between the October Revolution of 1917 and the deat Vladimir Kush paintings

h of Stalin in March 1953. Some historians say that the dead were 20 million, others that are 50. Millions worked as slaves in the camps of the Gulag, the systems of mines, plants and construction sites that underlay the great Soviet industrial breakthrough. (C)

virtual museum of the Gulag: http://www.gulagmuseum.org/start.do?language=1а

I dedicate
everyone who did not have the life to tell about it.
And they'll forgive me for not seeing everything,
not all remembered, not all guessed. (A. Solzhenitsyn)

Georgy Zhzhenov is one of the most famous Soviet-Russian film actors.
For the years of his creative activity, he played more than 100 roles in the theater.
(Birthday: 22.03.1915 Place of birth: Petrograd, Russia
Date of Death: 08.12.2005 Place of Death: Moscow, Russia)

On the night of July 4 to July 5, 1938, on an absurd charge of espionage
Georgy Zhzhenov (here in detail)
was arrested by the NKVD of the USSR. Blackmail and threats from him have achieved confession of guilt. In absentia, the CCA of the NKVD of the USSR, he was sentenced to 5 years in prison. In 1939, he was sent to a transit camp in Vladivostok, where stages were formed on Kolyma ... (see above)

From the memoirs of Georgy Zhzheny: "They left to escape together and took the third as a food ..."

SEE in detail in the documentaries
George Zhzhenov. The Russian cross. The film 1.

George Zhzhenov. The Russian cross. The Movie 2.

George Zhzhenov. The Russian cross. Film 3

"How did the idols go" G. Zhzhenov (1st part)

"How did the idols go" G. Zhzhenov (2nd part)

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"He was my favorite prisoner ..."