Artist ANDREW Atroshenko (Andrew Artoshenko)
Artist ANDREW Atroshenko (Andrew Artoshenko) was born in 1965 in Pokrovsk, Russia.
In 1977, as a gifted child, Andrew was admitted to the Children's Art School, from which he graduated with honors in 1981. Two years later, Andrew entered Bryansk Art College, and in 1991 was admitted to the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. After graduation in 1999, he joined the United States, the art group "Bay Arts", to participate in exhibitions and artistic events, where he successfully worked for over a year.
Andrei Atroshenko different bright colors, expression and expressiveness. Critics characterize them as "passion in broad strokes." These paintings are currently very popular and sold successfully in galleries and at auctions in the United States, France and Britain.
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