Siempre me gustaron estas declaraciones.
Yo creo en el hombre Yo creo en sus buenos pensamientos.
Creo que todos vinimos a hacer el bien.
Y si hacemos esto, todos estaremos juntos, entonces el éxito nos espera ...
Una persona ALEGRE ve alegría en todo.
GREED se lamenta de la avaricia de los demás.
El Bien admira la bondad de las personas.
Estúpido buscando toda la estupidez.
Un hombre con humor mira todo con una sonrisa.
El MAL llama la atención sobre la ira de los demás.
POSITIVO en todo encontrará un lado positivo.
EL ACNUR se encontrará con lo mismo que él.
HAPPY verá en todo el mundo y compartirá felicidad con todo el mundo.
William Marlow cuadros
Continuarás siendo infeliz hasta que,
mientras piensas que los demás te hacen feliz.
Una persona habla sobre lo que no tiene. Aquellos que no tienen suficiente sexo, hablan sobre sexo, una persona hambrienta habla sobre comida, que no tiene dinero, sobre dinero. Y nuestros oligarcas y banqueros hablan de moralidad. (Sigmund Freud)
Un río profundo ni siquiera parece haber arrojado una piedra en él.
Así es el hombre.
Si una persona está irritada, entonces él no es un río, sino un charco.
Donde necesita decir un "no" fuerte, dudo y digo "tal vez". Donde es necesario poner un punto, estoy atormentado, pero puse una coma. Y luego me pregunto por qué el resultado no está a mi favor. Debes poder quemar puentes, debes poder irte.
Hay tres cosas que nunca vuelven: Tiempo, Palabra, Oportunidad. Por lo tanto: ¡no pierda tiempo, elija palabras y no pierda la oportunidad!
06:56 | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)
Claude Monet. En samling af malerier.
Claude Monet. En samling af malerier.
"Monet - dette er bare et øje, men min Gud, men hvad!"
Paul Cezanne
Claude Monet blev kaldt "solens mand" på grund af det lyse lys,
som adskiller de fleste af sine landskaber.
En kort biografi af Claude Monet.
Claude Monet er en fransk maler, en pioner af impressionisme. 14. november 1840 i familien af ??arvelige parisere Claude Adolphe Monet og Louise Justine Aubrey Monet blev født en dreng, der blev døbt i baptistkirken med navnet Oscar Claude seks måneder senere. I 1845 flyttede familien til byen Le Havre i Normandiet, hvor hans far begyndte at forberede sin søn til karriere for en handelsmand af flådegear. På trods af hans fars insistering ønskede lille Oscar at lægge sit liv på kunst, og Justine, en professionel sangerinde, støttede ham i dette.
Liubov Popova malerier
I en alder af elleve trådte Monet ind på Havre Kunstskole; Samtidig begyndte han at vinde popularitet som en talentfuld tegneserieforfatter. I uddannelsesperioden var Monet heldig at møde maler Eugene Boudin i byen. Denne bekendtskab havde stor indflydelse på den unge mand; Det var Buden, der lærte Monet det grundlæggende ved at behandle olie maling og teknikker "i det fri" - det vil sige uden for værkstedet, i det fri.
Efter at have forladt skolen i en alder af 16, fortsatte Monet med at øve og udnytte sine evner. I flere år gik han til Paris, hvor han mødte mange fremtidige fremragende malerier, herunder Eduard Manet.
I 1861 blev kunstneren sendt til Algeriet til service i hæren. Efter et stykke tid blev han syg med tyfusfeber og forsvundet sin enke tante for at hjælpe ham økonomisk, betalte sig fra militærtjeneste og vendte tilbage til sit hjemland.
Siden 1862 deltog Monet sammen med andre novice malere på kunstner Charles Gleirs kurser. Soubuciki havde lignende synspunkter om maleri og gravitated for at arbejde i det fri, de stræbte for at formidle naturens naturlige farver, de usynlige bevægelser af vand og luft, for at vise på deres lærred næppe perceptible nuancer af blomster. Disse synspunkter dannede senere grundlag for filosofien om impressionisme i kunstnerisk skabelse.
I sin parisiske periode skrev Monet meget i håb om, at hans værker ville være interesserede i salonen - en prestigefyldt årlig udstilling, der modtog lærred langt fra alle malere. Hans første kendte maleri var portræt af Camilla Bonsjö udstillet i salonen.
Bonsio blev hans kone i 1870. Næsten straks flyttede parret til England i forbindelse med starten af ??den fransk-prussiske krig.
Et år senere flyttede Monet til Holland. Den hollandske periode er meget produktiv - i tyve måneder skaber kunstneren næsten tre dusin malerier og utallige skitser, skitser og skitser.
Efter at have vendt tilbage til Frankrig i 1872, der allerede var maleren og impressionisten, fortsætter Monet med at arbejde og leve et roligt landskab blandt de inspirerende maleriske haver.
Siden begyndelsen af ??1910'erne har Monet udviklet en forfærdelig sygdom - katarakt. Heldigvis har kunstneren ikke mistet synet, og efter at have overført to operationer til fjernelse af grå stær i 1923, fik man evnen til at se ultraviolette stråler, der er utilgængelige for synet af en almindelig person (for eksempel så han visse objekter i et bestemt lys blålig-violet, når de for alle andre forblev hvide).
Claude Monet døde den 5. december 1926 fra lungekræft og blev begravet i kirkens kirkegård i Giverny, en by i Øvre Normandiet. I hans hus i samme by blev efterfølgende åbnet sit museum.
04:34 | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)
Nikas Safronov: the wreath of contradictions
Self-portrait in the suit of Captain Blood.
Nikas Safronov - one of the most famous contemporary artists, already in life deserved recognition all over the world.
Portraits of Safronov's brush are from Madonna, Sophia Loren, Pierre Cardin, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Montserrat Caballe and many other world stars, not to mention Russian celebrities.
Portrait of the Madonna.
The creativity of Nikas Safronov, like himself, is a real tangle of contradictions.
His paintings are permeated with the spirit of history, but at the same time written using modern technology.
The artist's works are exhibited in galleries around the world, but at the same time anyone can order his portrait from him.
Active secular life intertwines with Nikas Safronov with spiritual life, and it's no less important to communicate with a disabled child for him than to meet with the world star.
About inspiration, creativity and art will be discussed in this interview.
Adam and Eve or Spring in Paradise.
- How do you think the formula of creativity? What are the components of success and recognition of people of creative professions?
- The formula of creativity: mastery through inspiration, which includes a mystery or mystery through drawing, color and image, where the author's individuality is important. Examples include El Greco, Rembrandt, Brueghel, Impressionists, such as Monet, Vag Gog or Modigliani and Degas. In modern art it's difficult to say your individual word, but when it works out, it can be Picasso, Chagall, Dali or Andy Warhol.
Sleep of a cloud.
- Art is eternal. But its forms are changeable. How do you feel about the opportunities that modern digital technologies provide? Is it possible with their help to create true works of art?
- Everything changes in this world, and art too. There is the art of theater and the cinema that arose later, which can also be attributed to art, but of a different plan. Many forms of creativity arise on the basis of the old. Today, literature is presented already through a computer, where you can slightly touch the screen with your finger, and the pages visually turn over. But this does not mean that someone canceled the book. Book production continues to develop. This is the quality of paper, and the internal and external design. The same in painting. New canvases and paints, such as acrylic.
Philosophical perception of two values, not including the Tower of Babel.
- Painting - materialized with the help of canvas, paints, brushes - thought and state of mind. Is it possible for such a unity of the master and the means to achieve a similar result when the artists use digital technologies?
- Yes, today you can transfer a graphic, color image through a computer. And this, too, can be interesting. As an example, one can cite the work of the remarkable artist Konstantin Khudyakov, who, unfortunately, refused oil painting and pencil drawing, but he achieved high results in the field of computer painting. But this is more of an exception. Still, real creativity is a movement of the hand of the master on paper, canvas or other material, in which there is energy of the smear and the artist's breathing. Such works can even be treated, the viewer can enjoy the scent of colors, live energy, not transmitted virtually, but with a tangible eye and even a hand, to feel the direction of the author's smear. Let us recall at least primitive rock carvings: you look at them, and you are breathtaking from the fact that you are in touch with the history of the birth of art. Only that truly can be real creativity, which is created by the hand of the Master. No computer technology can replace canvas and paint. Or a pencil and paper, where there is power of the author. For example, every driver in the car "Ferrari" leads it individually, but the car is just a product, released serially. There are exceptions, when the car is released in a single copy, but it is again designed by designers.
Theater in the female guise.
Through the computer can not transfer the energy of man, which is transmitted through the sacrament of creativity. Of course, it's possible to display the individuality on the display through graphicality, but it will still not be the same. It's like doing an operation through a computer, where there will be professionalism, but there will not be a soul, a surgeon's energy.
Theater of Eternity on the background of mountains.
- What is your inspiration? What finds the particularly strong response in your soul, making you take up the brush?
- Much. A beautiful or unusual landscape, interesting people, a memorable dream that requires expression on paper or on canvas. The art of old masters, good music, vivid memories of the past, and much more.
The peak of beauty.
- You are a person, on the one hand, creative, and on the other - a public one. What for you is participation in charitable actions and philanthropy?
- Every socially active person should understand that he is not alone in this world. And if he took place in his field and receives for his labor a monetary equivalent, then he simply has to think about that world
02:32 | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)